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What is a "dirty secret" to a narcissist?
The malignant narcissist can abuse financially, sexually, emotionally, or physically. This can cause them to engage in abuse they would...
Both my therapist and my parents believe I have ADHD.
My psychiatrist is refusing to diagnose me, or even discuss the possibility of me having ADHD. What can I do about this? Unfortunately...
Are sales-related jobs the best hiding places for narcs?
In my work I have found that personalities with mild ADHD type traits tend to become successful in sales. Their persuasive nature make ...
Question Do you see Parallels between ADHD and NPD
Unfortunately I do see an overlap in a small amount of the ADHD and sometimes Autistic neurodivergent population and NPD. There are 4 ...
I was shamed constantly by my parents & siblings since childhood.
Still as an adult, I feel difficult when others shame me. How have you coped with shaming from others? Sadly it seems you have been used...
What is the difference between enabling and caregiving?
Someone can be a codependent and an enabler at the same time. A Codependent is an enabler and enablers enable by caretaking to the point...
Can a single mom scapegoat successfully raise a child after only learning about being a scapegoat he
Absolutely you can successfully raise an older child having been a scapegoat yourself. You now have the gift of wisdom you can now share...
How can I heal my inner child from codependency?
This is an essential question to ask oneself if we are to free our inner spirit thus allowing ourselves to have the courage and freedom...
Do people with ADHD find any careers easier or any more rewarding than others?
Interesting question because neurodifferent (ADHD) people prefer to be independent (unlike what they were afforded in school- which was ...
What is the definition of codependency? What are some traits of codependency?
How can codependency be stopped? I myself am a recovering codependent. I would describe codependency as being so low in self esteem and...
What are some of the overlooked symptoms of ADHD?
In my work experience I have experienced a connection between dyslexia, dyscalculia (problem with number/maths) dysgraphia (a ...
Can you explain the difference between being assertive, aggressive, and hostile?
Hi we have three ways of behaving, passively, aggressively, or assertively - when in communication with others. A passive style takes the...
Can you have childhood trauma and still be an empath?
I feel my background would contribute more to narcissistic traits but, nope. I never got the love or empathy from my family growing up....
Can a person be both the golden child and the scapegoat at different times in
their life with their same parent(s)? If so, how would this happen? Narcissistic Parents see their child/children as an extension of ...
Is there anything that narcissistic parents excel at?
In a healthy family system the children's needs are central. In a narcissistic family system the parent's needs are the priority. The...
If given the chance, would narcissists treat children with the same hate they treat everyone else wi
hate they treat everyone else with? I am not sure its hate in many cases it a sense of entitlement. However the answer is YES If they...
How can I stop a narcissist from ruling my life?
Are you co-dependendent/addicted to him/her? Do not have children together, is this stopping you from leaving? This is still no excuse....

Are you struggling with coercive control/narcissism or co-dependency in your relationships?
if so, would you consider getting therapy? Most relationships thankfully are healthy, where the couple are respectful and are...
My 6-year-old has been sat on her own in class because she can be disruptive (ADHD).
Is isolating her when all the others sit in pairs the correct approach? Its Absolutely not the correct approach. It will make her feel ...
Are people with ADHD aware that they have ADHD?
From what I see, many of them seem completely oblivious to it Many are not aware that they are neurodifferent. However though highly...
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